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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Old Habits by Melissa Marr

*Spoilers.... and Much Fangirling*

Good Reads:
Melissa Marr returns to the ravishing world of Faerie with a story set between her bestselling novels Ink Exchange and Fragile Eternity.

Recently anointed king of the Dark Court, Niall struggles to forge a new relationship with his subjects—and with the former Dark King, Irial, his once-friend, once-enemy, and now possible-advisor.

Review: Perfection!! This 10 chapter short story was amazing. I have been waiting for this for years now, ever since I found out about it on the Rath. The Story takes place right after INK and partly during Fragile Eternity. The Story is told from the points of view or Irial, Niall, and Sorcha. Niall has recently become the Dark King and he is trying to come to terms with what that means. I loved how bad ass Niall was, espcially when he is fighting the Hounds (and then Irial.. then the fight with Devlin). Irial was as sexy and loveable as ever! The revelation that Irial has an a relationship or sorts with the high queen is very... interesting. I loved how Irial was trying everything he could to move the pieces of the Dark Court in order to coset Niall. Niall and Irial's "tension" in the story was very sexy. I loved how Irial was trying to get Niall to have sex with someone, and how he hinted it should be him. Seeing Niall's relationship with Siobhan was great as well. Over all the story was beautiful, funny, and over all just amazing. Any Fan of Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely Series will be enthralled by Old Habbits!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome review ! Bahaha gah, I need to read the novellas xD
